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Needle & Syringe Safety: Choosing The Right Needle For Your Injections


A big part of the Anabolic industry revolves around injections and the usage of syringes and needles. This has become the preferred method due to the convenience and ease of administration. However, as with any medical procedure, this is not without its risks. Being educated on the correct needle and how to safely apply is essential. [R]

Getting the correct Needle Size

The key to understanding the correct needle is the knowledge that there are two parts to syringe needle sizes: the gauge and length.

  • Gauge: This refers to how thin the needle is. The higher the gauge number, the thinner the needle. Thin, high-gauge needles are less painful for small amounts of medication. A thicker, low-gauge needle works better and is quicker for larger amounts. For example, a 7-gauge needle is about 4.6 mm wide, while a 30-gauge needle is around 0.30 mm wide.
  • Needle Length: This depends on the patient’s size and where the injection needs to go. For example, children and smaller people need shorter needles. Subcutaneous injections (into the fatty tissue just below the skin) use small, short needles like 26G. Intramuscular injections (into the muscle) use thicker, longer needles like 23G.

Getting the correct Syringe Size

Syringes come in different sizes based on how much liquid they can hold. The capacity is measured in milliliters (ml) for liquids and cubic centimeters (cc) for solids. These measurements are usually marked on the syringe barrel. The right syringe size depends on the amount of medication needed and how fast it needs to be injected. Larger syringes are used for bigger doses and when a lower pressure flow is needed.


Best Syringe and Needle Combos

Intramuscular (IM) Injections

  • Gauge: 22-25 gauge
  • Length: 1 to 1.5 inches

The specific size may vary based on the patient’s muscle mass and the injection site. For example, adults typically use a 1 to 1.5-inch needle, while children or very lean adults might need a shorter needle.

The most popular choice when considering anabolic compounds is an 18-23 gauge needle (1-1.5 inches long) to draw the compound into the syringe. Then anywhere between a 22-25 gauge needle (1-1.5 inches long) to inject the compound into the muscle. [R]

Subcutaneous Injections

  • Gauge: 25-30 gauge
  • Length: 3/8 to 5/8 inch

The specific size may vary based on the patient’s body fat and the injection site. Subcutaneous injections are usually administered in areas with more fatty tissue, like the abdomen or thigh.

Always use the right Syringe with Needle

  • Use a new, sterile needle every time – this reduces your risk of injuries or infections.
  • Never share needles, vials, or amps  – doing this increases your risk of blood-borne viruses like hepatitis C and HIV. You can get as many needles and barrels as you need for your cycle free from your local needle exchange.
  • Don’t use barrels bigger than 2ml  – if you use bigger barrels you may draw up too much liquid. Injecting too much liquid can cause problems like scarring and abscesses (a pus-filled lump under your skin).
  • Know your dose  – use smaller test doses until you get to the right dose that works specifically for you.
  • Rotate which muscles you inject into  – this gives your body time to heal between injections. Never inject into skin that is an odd colour, broken, irritated, or lumpy.
  • Avoid injecting steroids into smaller muscles  – bear in mind that steroids work on your whole body, not just the area you’re injecting into. Injecting into smaller muscles also increases your risk of problems like nerve damage.

Make sure you’re injecting in the right place

The best places to inject are your buttockthigh, and shoulder muscles. It’s easier to inject into these bigger muscles but you still need to be careful to avoid any blood vessels or nerves.

Buttock:  Your buttock is the safest place to inject. If you imagine that your buttock is divided into four, you need to inject into the upper, outer quarter. This is so you don’t hit the sciatic nerve, which runs down the center of your buttock.

Thigh: Your thigh is the next safest area to inject after your buttock. You need to inject it into your outer thigh, halfway between your knee and the top of your leg.

Shoulder: Injecting into your shoulder carries more risk because the muscle is smaller. Make sure you inject it into the outer part of the shoulder.


Clean your injecting site properly

Cleaning your injecting site correctly helps to prevent infections and side effects. [R]

  • Always wash your hands with soap and water before you inject.
  • Clean the injection site with a single wipe of a swab. Scrubbing at your skin with the swab will just spread bacteria around.
  • Allow your skin about a minute to dry before you inject.
  • If you’re using a multi-dose vial, use a swab to wipe the top of the vial before you draw up.
  • Insert the needle at 90 degrees to your body.
  • You don’t need to push it in all the way, you should still be able to see a bit of the needle.
  • Draw the plunger back slightly to check you haven’t hit a vein or artery. If you have you’ll see blood in the barrel. If this happens remove the needle and apply pressure with a clean tissue or cloth.
  • Only inject up to 2ml of fluid into each site, if you inject more it will just sit in your muscle, raising your risk of infection.
  • Inject slowly, 10 seconds per 1ml is about right.
  • Remove the needle carefully and apply pressure with a clean tissue or cloth.
  • Use a proper sharps bin to dispose of needles. You can get these free from needle exchanges.
  • Any redness, pain, warmth, swelling, or blistering at your injection site, or you get a fever, means you could have an infection or abscess.

After your cycle

For every 6-12 week cycle you do it’s recommended you have 6-12 weeks off to let your body recover. Your natural testosterone production usually stops a few weeks into a cycle. Some people prefer to take post-cycle therapy (PCT) compounds. This may help kickstart their natural testosterone again.

But this isn’t always needed as your testosterone levels should gradually recover on their own. In some cases, testosterone levels don’t return to normal. If you have signs of steroid crash that aren’t improving, such as lack of sex drive, difficulty getting an erection, or enlarged breasts, see your GP.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need needles and syringes for injection pens?

You don’t need a syringe if your medication comes in an injection pen because the medication is already inside the pen. However, you may need a pen needle, which is a small needle that attaches directly to the pen.

Pen needles screw onto the end of injection pens. Some medications, like Ozempic (Semaglutide), come with pen needles included. Others, like Liraglutide, require a separate prescription for the pen needles.

What sizes do insulin syringes come in? 

Insulin syringes are available in various sizes, typically measured in units (30, 50, or 100 units), depending on the amount of insulin they can hold. These are offered most commonly in a pack of 25.

What needle size is best for subcutaneous steroid injections? 

The most conventional needles used are a 25-30 gauge needle, 3/8 to 5/8 inch long, which is generally used for subcutaneous injections.

What are 1ml syringes used for? 

A 1 ml syringe is often used for administering precise doses, including steroids when small quantities are required.

What is a luer lock syringe?

Luer Slip and Luer Lok syringes are standard types used in medicine. Luer Slip needles fit by friction. Luer Lok needles twist securely onto the syringe, minimizing accidental disconnections.

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Sterile Oil Injectable

If you experience injection pain, consider purchasing sterile oil. It helps ease discomfort by thinning the compound, making injections smoother.

Price : $18.00

Dose : 64mg per ml/10ml/640mg

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